Cafe Auer, Impact Hub Zürich

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  2. Venues
  3. Cafe Auer, Impact Hub Zürich
Events at this venue

Ludum Dare 43 Show & Play

Cafe Auer, Impact Hub Zürich Sihlquai 131, Zürich, Switzerland

Did you make a game during Ludum Dare 43? Want to see what other people did? We'll meet up and play each others' games.


Ludum Dare 43 Meetup

Cafe Auer, Impact Hub Zürich Sihlquai 131, Zürich, Switzerland

It is once more time for Ludum Dare! We're doing an informal meetup for participants at Cafe Auer. We'll occupy a table, make games, and drink coffee.

Ludum Dare 41

Cafe Auer, Impact Hub Zürich Sihlquai 131, Zürich, Switzerland

Ludum Dare ( is a long-running game jam where you make a game in 48 or 72 hours. We'll be getting together in Zurich to make games together! You can come and work on your own, or find a group. This time, we're meeting up in Meeting Room C2, 1st floor, Cafe Auer. The gamespace ... Read more


Criss Cross, Multiplayer Gaming Event

Cafe Auer, Impact Hub Zürich Sihlquai 131, Zürich, Switzerland

Criss Cross is a monthly meetup for local multiplayer gaming.

Informal Ludum Dare Meetup

Cafe Auer, Impact Hub Zürich Sihlquai 131, Zürich, Switzerland

Informal meetup of Zurich people doing Ludum Dare 37. We can sit, drink coffee, and make games. The coffee is good and cheap, and ImpactHub/Auer won't mind us occupying a table for the weekend.
