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VR Days Europe, Rotterdam, NL

28 Листопада, 2022 - 2 Грудня, 2022

VR Days Europe, SwissGames delegation

VR Days Europe is a 3-day celebration of virtual and augmented content, creativity and innovation. Expect a compelling range of keynotes, sessions, workshops and seminars with over 120 expert speakers from the worlds of health, tech, business and the arts.

VR Days Europe also features several exhibition spaces, where creative and tech start-ups can showcase their work.

As a Swiss Game developer you may join the VR Days as a member of the SwissGames delegation.

Deadline: 18th July 2022

Please find more information here.

SGDA is a main partner of SwissGames.



28 Листопада, 2022
2 Грудня, 2022

Місце проведення

de Doelen
Schouwburgplein 50
Rotterdam, 3012 CL
+ Карта Google
View Місце проведення Website