Where to study game development in Switzerland

Game development has become an important industry. Today, a wide range of educational institutions offer programmes in the field of game development in Switzerland.

It is not always easy to get a precise idea of the existing programmes. Therefore, the Swiss Game Developers Association SGDA has compiled the following overview together with the listed institutions.

The overview shall help future students and their parents to find out about the programme that suits them most.

For further details about the programmes, do not hesitate to contact the educational institutions directly.

InstitutionLocationDegreeCoursesScopeSemestersECTSTuition Fees (CHF)
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)Brugg - WindischBachelor of Science in Computer Science with specialisation in Spatial ComputingVirtual experiences in physical space: Interactive 3D worlds rendered via a magic lens, a display or a projector, augmented content and the visualisation of industrial processes
(extended reality, simulation, games ...)
(2)6 (full time)3 per course (specialization in spatial computing min. 21, max. 27)700 per semester
Geneva University of Art and Design (HEAD – Geneva)GenevaMaster HES-SO en Design, option Media Design The MA in Media Design offers a two-year professional programme. Whether you are a graphic or industrial designer, a general engineer or computer engineer, you will address the technological and societal challenges generated by artificial intelligence and new interfaces. You will learn to prototype interfaces, smart devices, video games and interactive experiences while broadening your understanding of the issues of user experiences.(2)4 (full time)120575 per semester
CeruleumLausanneMaster en Développement Visuel et Concept ArtDévelopper, imaginer et représenter un univers à destination de la production de films à effets spéciaux, du jeux vidéo, mais aussi des métavers (réalités virtuels).
Character Design, environnement et intentions de rendu sont au cœur de la réflexion.
(2)24'250 per semester
University of Lausanne (UNIL)LausanneBachelor of Arts en informatique pour les sciences humaines (computer science for humanities)The course 2D Game Development gives students the means to better understand and then reproduce - in a scientific mediation context - the ludic, logical and technological mechanisms that make video games possible. Students learn how to develop 2D games using Phaser 3.0. Every fortnight, a component specific to video games will be discussed theoretically and then illustrated using Phaser and supporting software.
(2)1 per course4580 per semester
University of Lausanne (UNIL)LausanneBachelor of Arts en informatique pour les sciences humainesThe course Video games and gamification (in collaboration with EPFL) proposes to consider the video game as a research object based on the work carried out in human and social sciences in the field of game studies over the last twenty years. This "project-oriented" course will lead students to work in groups on a gamification project based on scientific material from their discipline.(2)1 per course2-4 per course580 per semester
Universitiy of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI)LuganoBachelor in Computer ScienceThe Game development course is part of Bachelor in Computer Science and a complement to the computer graphics and virtual reality courses. The course focuses on techniques and technologies in contemporary video games. The use of the Unity game engine as development tools is taught.(2)Computer graphics, Virtual reality, Game development each 1 semester4 (Computer Graphics), 2 (Virtual Reality), 3 (Game Development)
Les Maîtres Du MondeNyonBachelor d’Art NumériqueSpecialization either in Virtual Worlds, or Motion Design and Special Effects6
Les Maîtres Du MondeNyonMaster d’Art NumériqueSpecialization either in Virtual Worlds, or Motion Design and Special Effects4
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU)Rotkreuz - EmmenbrückeBachelor of Arts in Digital IdeationThe course Game Development is part of the transdisciplinary Bachelor Digital Ideation. Students choose between the Computer Science or the Art & Design Department with according degrees. A specialization in game development is possible at booth departments. The bachelor thesis can focus on game technology, game development or instead a game may be developed.(1)6800 per semester
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU)Rotkreuz - EmmenbrückeMaster of Arts in Digital IdeationIt is possible to write a thesis in the field of game developement at the department of Digital Ideation. Please contact us for further information. (1)800 per semester
Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK)ZurichBachelor of Arts in Design (BA)On completion of the programme, students should be able to develop their own fully functional games or game prototypes. Theoretical course content complements the comprehensive practical training provided, building a sound base for the acquisition of specialist expertise in the field.(1)6150 / 180720 per semester
Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK)ZurichMaster of Arts in Design (MA) Specialization in Game Design guarantees students a comprehensive, practical and scientific examination of future-oriented topics in today's game design.(1)390720 per semester
ETH Zurich (ETHZ)ZurichGame Programming Laboratory Course CertificateThe goal of this course is the in-​depth understanding of the technology and programming underlying computer games. Students gradually design and develop a computer game in small groups and get acquainted with the art of game programming.(2)110(3)
SAE InstituteZurich - GenevaCertificate Games ProgrammingThe course provides the basics to program a simple game using the Unreal Engine. The classes include: Engine Basics, Game Design, Mathematics/Physics, AI Programming.(1)1 (part-time) 3,290
SAE InstituteZurich - GenevaDiploma Game Art & 3D Animation
Modules 1-6:
2D Fundamentals, 3D Fundamentals, Digital Sculpting & PBR Texturing, Game Art Animation & Rendering, Creative Studio 1 - Industry Workflows
(1)4 (part-time)180 29,900
SAE InstituteZurich - GenevaBachelor of Arts / Science (Hons.) Game Art & 3D Animation
Modules 7-9:
Creative Studio 2: Collaboration and Business, Creative Studio 3: Research and Practice, Major Project: Bachelor project, i.e. Media production
(1)7 (part-time) 15,820
SAE InstituteZurich - GenevaDiploma Games ProgrammingModules 1-6:
Game Programming Basics, Game Development Basics, Structured Game Development, Game, Dynamics, Creative Studio 1 - Industry Workflows
(1)4 (part-time)180 29,900
SAE InstituteZurich - GenevaBachelor of Arts / Science (Hons.) Games ProgrammingModules 7-9:
Creative Studio 2: Collaboration and Business, Creative Studio 3: Research and Practice, Major Project: Bachelor project, i.e. Media production
(1)7 (part-time) 15,820


(1) The programme is entirely designated to game development or game design

(2) Game development or game design are a minor subject of another programme

(3) This course is only available to students enrolled at ETH Zurich