Embodying a More-Than-Human World. Orchestrated Sensory Experiences in the age of the Anthropocene

Ersin Han Ersin is taking a close look into collective’s thought process of creating orchestrated sensory experiences that illuminate the hidden natural forces that surround us, inviting participants to navigate with a sensory perception beyond their daily experience.
Fusing architectural tools, contemporary imaging techniques and performance with tactile forms, Marshmallow Laser Feast sculpt spaces that lay dormant until animated by playful investigation.
Ersin Han Ersin is an artist, director and creative director of London based experiential studio Marshmallow Laser Feast. Ersin’s art practice combines a wide range of disciplines including sculpture, installation, live performance, and mixed reality.
His work illuminates the hidden natural forces that surround us, inviting participants to navigate with a sensory perception beyond their daily experience. In these spaces, the known physical world is removed to reveal networks, processes and systems that are at once sublime, underpinned by research, and fundamental to life on Earth.
His work illuminates the hidden natural forces that surround us, inviting participants to navigate with a sensory perception beyond their daily experience. He explores the concepts that are underpinned by research, and fundamental to life on Earth.
Keynote speaker: Ersin Han Ersin (virtual guest)
Where: Kino Toni, 3.G02 ,ZHdK, Toni Areal, Zürich
When: 12 November 2021, 13.00 – 13.30
Tickets: ZHdK ticket booth
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